The LA Clippers are leaders in utilizing technology to engage fans. With Community, they manage general and youth-focused fan engagement campaigns, leveraging key features like number imports and personalized messaging to grow their member base.
How the LA Clippers Used Community

- Created customized campaigns focused on tickets, news, and youth camps
- Leveraged dynamic personalization to tailor messaging
Success Metrics
- 26.8% average click-through rate (CTR) for Kids Club campaign
- 6.3% average response rate for youth camp promotions
- 13.7% CTR for Thanksgiving camp campaign
Key Features
- Number imports to easily upload Member contact info
- Customized URL and QR codes for tracking
- Dynamic message personalization to increase relevance
By creatively using Community's tools for imports, tracking, and personalization, the LA Clippers drive higher campaign engagement and response rates for both general and youth-focused fans. As leaders in the sports industry, they showcase how to innovate fan engagement with smart technology.